Monday 18 May 2009

Edible Seashore

With Salar laid up with a poorly fuel supply I have been spending more time reading than fishing. Another great book has come to light, "Edible Seashore" by John Wright. This is a brilliant book if you like the idea of foraging for food on the seashore, and most things that live there appear to be edible. This book will be more useful to shore anglers than boat anglers, but it will be worth the extra walk to find something to go with our fish. Some recipes are truly simple - Kelp Crisps: cut into squares, deep fry, eat. Others are more complex - shore crab soup is one but well worth it to exact revenge on those bait-robbers. John's writing is also very funny, you will find something to make you grin or laugh out loud on every page. Well worth it. Have a look here:

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