Monday, 21 January 2008


Fishing Blog - that's a joke. There has hardly been any fishing for weeks thanks to the coincidence of strong winds every weekend and any fishable days being mid-week. Ho hum, better get on with some jobs then. Next on the list is a dodgy-looking windscreen wiper blade. The factory-fitted unit is a rather basic motor and single pantograph wiper, which has seen better days. Every other year it has some off for a de-rust and clean-up, but this time it looks terminal. I checked the price of ordering it as a Trophy spare part (HOW much??), then Googled wipers. I settled on Vetus as the only affordable way of getting a known brand that could sweep the massive glass area of a Trophy windshield. I ordered everything from switch to motor to wiper blade. Next weekend, with any luck it will be too windy for fishing so I can fit it....

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