Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Charley-Merde-Tete the dog

What do you do when you can’t fish because the weather is awful again, and you have fixed everything that needs fixing on your boat? You could flick through your books and see if there is a fishing one that has missed being read (this often happens to me as I get a pile of books each birthday and Christmas). Last week, I discovered a gem – why had I not found this one before? Too many “readable” books about fishing are written for the US market, or for fly fishermen, or for nostalgic, sentimental dreamers. “The Incomplete Angler” by Robin Shelton is a refreshing change from all that: a book written by a chap over here about good honest British sea angling with only a bit of trout fishing sneaking in at the end. It even starts with an account of fly fishing for bass from a kayak – how contemporary is that for goodness sake?
Written by a guy who thinks like we should be thinking but writes it down a lot better than most, this book will have you laughing, pondering, reminiscing and vowing to go fishing again. Robin explains fishing geeks and fishing porn, which will have a lot of us blushing under our wind-burn. He re-discovers pier, rock, beach, boat and fly fishing (including the contagious fly-tying obsession – don’t go there) and tells it in a way that will have experienced anglers nodding sagely and non-anglers following every word. Quite a talent. He is well within the scope of as he lives near Winchester and shops at Rovers in Fareham, although his fishing trips range from Scotland to Cornwall. Robin also knows exactly how and when to take the gentle micky: ‘aampsheer versus Hampshah; a certain Total fishing magazine; vegetarianism, fellow anglers and sleepy seaside establishments all come under his scrutiny. Anyone who elegantly refers to his dog as Charley-merde-tete can’t be at all bad. He can cook too.

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